A professional photo shot of Corean


It’s time to rethink Work



As a strategic thought partner, Corean works with leaders and organizations using her signature Return On Being (ROB) framework to help rethink the metrics you’re using to measure the performance of your people, revitalize the health of your workforce by putting being at the forefront, and shift from a burn-out culture to a thriving culture.

Areas of support: 

  • Strategic Planning Facilitation
  • Workplace Well-Being
  • People Management
  • Culture Transformation
A photo of Corean giving a talk

“We ask people to do more, when people want

to Be more.

— Corean Canty

What They Say

Consulting Testimonials

As the founder of We Are Rosie and a visionary myself, I can appreciate rethinking traditional models and accepted norms in the workplace. Corean has put her time, energy, and love into finding the root of what makes companies thrive; the well-being of the people that make up the workforce. Corean’s aptitude for preventing and even transforming burnout culture to thriving culture through speaking, consulting, and coaching will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on any team, just as it did ours.

— Stephanie Olson, Founder of We Are Rosie

Corean is an exceptional leader and coach who brought the breadth and depth of her executive expertise to support our team’s YOY strategic planning,  KPI’s framework and magnified our heart-centered people operations model.  I am grateful for her partnership and all the growth my team and I experience through her guidance. 

— Aurora Archer, The Opt-In

A photo of a radiant Corean